Title: Anima Christi Artist: Bukas Palad Composer: – Album: – Released: – Posted by: Kyle Download: Details: We commonly sings this song in Lenten season in Catholic church. This song reminds us the body Christ that sanctified us as He sacrificed for our sins. I also sing this song when I’m afraid and we need Jesus to defend us against our problems, are worries and all the pains we feel. Intro: D – A/D – G/D (x2) D A/D G/D Soul of Christ, sanctify me D D/C G/B G/A Am D Body of Christ, save me water from the side of Christ G F#m-Bm Em Wash me, passion of Christ G/D D C/D Give me strength C/D GM7 Hear me, Jesus F#m7 Bm7 CM7 Asus A7. Kensington Pocket Mouse Driver 72214 there. Hide me in thy wounds that I may never leave thy side D A/D G/D From all the evil that surrounds me, defend me D A/D G/D And when the call of death arrives, bid me come to thee G F#m7 Em7-G/A D A/D C/D That I may praise thee with thy saints, forever C/D GM7 Hear me, Jesus F#m7 Bm7 CM7 G/A Bb/C Hide me in thy wounds that I may never leave thy side F Am7 BbM7 From all the evil that surrounds me, defend me F Am7 BbM7 And when the call of death arrives, bid me come to thee BbM7 F/A Gm7 Gm7/C F That I may praise thee with thy saints, forever.