That was Christlieb on 'Deacon Blues'? Seemed exactly right for the occasion. Another solo that always struck me that way was Coltrane's on 'Two Bass Hit' from 'Milestones'. There's nothing particularly special about what he plays, and in fact it isn't even typical of Coltrane's style at that time.
But what I love about it is it's so perfectly appropriate! I mean it so universally represents the best characteristics of the sound of the tenor sax: muscular, hard-charging, glorious. It's like 'The Ride of the Valkyries' or something.
You know, i'm having a real hard time picking one. Any of the Coltrane on Kind of Blue. Crap, maybe Coltrane should be exempt for me, because so much of what he does makes me feel.
Actually, there is a Dave Sanborn solo that is among the most lyrical solos ever..Goodbye Again(Upside Downside - Mike Stern) There's also a Bergonzi Solo on a recording in which he plays Green Dolphin Street that I really enjoy. I think it's on a cd called Vertical Reality.
Stan Getz: ts: I Thought About You. The Soulful Saxophone of: 1046: Yusef Lateef: ts. Solo: Heart to Heart: 1370: Wendall Culley: tp: Li'l Darlin'. Dec 14, 2012 Stan the man is the sax god who taught sax players how to play this tune. Listen to his sublime version elsewhere on you tube.
I'm not sure who's cd it actually is. I'm really no good at this.. Don Menza on Channel One Suite was inspiring for me. At the time I was playing trpt (early college) and thought that If I played sax that is what I'd like to sound like. I really like Coltranes work on the Coltrane's sound cassette I have. Night has a thousand eyes, Equinox, etc. There's a Rollens solo that used to knock me out.
Playing with Dizzy's big band from the 50s. He has a few choruses of solo and then as a joke the band doesn't come in on que and he has to pick it up and keep playing. Really tears it up. I listen to Dexter, Rollins, Coltrane, Getz, Griffin, Webster, Hawkins, and the Pres. I'm not impressed with the Pres as others are. In his day he was probably great. Dhcp Client Simulator Software more.
After Coltrane, Rollins, Getz, Griffin, and especially Dexter some others leave much to be desired. I'm not saying I play better than anyone. 3D Origami Diagram Software. I'm talking about when listening to others the five mentioned above stand out from the crowd. I've heard excellent and bad stuff by everyone on the list. You guy's must have a different 'Body and Soul by Dexter Gordon then I have. I just don't care for the style Dexter does 'Body And Soul' on my 'Ballads' album. If you guy's know of anything better than Dexter's solo on 'Cheesecake' please email me, I want to hear it.
Maybe it's just the stye of that tune and his solo but it really swings. For my tastes Dexter, Rollins, and Coltrane are all tied for 1st place and Getz is second.