Serial Number Identification While there are several places on Vintage Kramer to learn about serial numbers, here is a rundown of serial numbers, with year models and distiguishing characteristics for I.D. Of old Vintage Kramers. Kartonmodellbau Burg. These serial numbers do not pertain to the new line of Kramers from. Axxxx - 1980-early '81 Range - A0001-9999 Notes: 1981-82 Strat copy headstocks (A8000s-B2000) - Necks Made by ESP - Bodies by Sports Flat chrome plates Logo, Made in USA and serial number stamped Some have been spotted on overseas guitars. Usually, they sport a first letter, then have another letter prefixing the number. Ex: A A1234 - Bxxxx - early '81-early' 83 Range - B0001-9999 Notes: 1982-84 'Classic', 'Chicken Beak' headstocks (B2000s-C5000s) - Necks Made by ESP - Bodies by Sports Some have been spotted on overseas guitars.
Usually, they sport a first letter, then have another letter prefixing the number. Ex: A A1234 There are versions of a B plate that are cast metal, that showed up in the later years for Kramer. These were thought to have been used on Focus 'Classic' models and various overseas type models. These plates showing up on American Series guitars is somewhat of of a mystery, as we don't know if those were used for American Series guitars assembled in Japan, or if it was for another purpose. Many Kline Graphic Barettas have been seen with the B plates.
We are still researching the mystery of the B cast plates. We had previously stated that these were not American Series, but new events have uncovered that this may not to be completely true. The B Cast Plate guitars appear in what would normally be the 'F' timeframe for Kramer. Cxxxx - early '83-mid '84 Range - C0001-9999 Notes: 1983-84 Non-angled, Baretta, 'Banana' or 'Hockeystick' headstocks (C3000-C5000) - Necks Made by ESP - Bodies by Sports Chrome and black plates both of which are flat stamped. Some black plates are stamped without Made in USA and some have the entire 'Kramer' word stamped rather than outline cut stamped as earlier models do. (EXCEPT Ripleys) Range - D0001-9999 Notes: 1984-late 85 'Banana' or 'Hockeystick' headstocks (C5000s-E2000s) - Necks Made by LaSiDo, Sports - Bodies by Sports Chrome and black plates both of which are flat stamped. Some black plates are stamped without Made in USA and some have the entire 'Kramer' word stamped rather than outline cut stamped as earlier models do.
Exxx - 1985 - Including Ripley Models Range - E0001-13XXX Notes: Late 85 'Banana' or 'Hockeystick' headstocks (to the E2000s) - Necks Made by LaSiDo, Sports - Bodies by Sports Die cast plates in chrome sporting 'Neptune, NJ' on them with the banana Kramer logo. Empire Earth Art Of Conquest Download Italc. (custom orders) and old 70's model Aluminum necks Notes: Some Custom plates begin with '0' with four letter proceeding, for example '07878'. Eyetv Mac Software Download. These plates are black Two versions, one with a banana logo, one with the word 'Kramer' in the old logo style Chrome plates with custom numbers from the wood neck era are NOT American series plates, but look identical (except for color) to the banana black custom order plate.