Animated antics of the constantly grousing Griffins, a family that put some fun in dysfunctional. While dad Peter is a tad dim and lazy, mom Lois is none of the above. Then there are hapless teens Meg and Chris; sassy baby Stewie, who's wise (and a wise guy) beyond his years; and family dog Brian, who might be the smartest of the lot.
Series creator Set (more) Animated antics of the constantly grousing Griffins, a family that put some fun in dysfunctional. While dad Peter is a tad dim and lazy, mom Lois is none of the above. Then there are hapless teens Meg and Chris; sassy baby Stewie, who's wise (and a wise guy) beyond his years; and family dog Brian, who might be the smartest of the lot. Series creator Seth MacFarlane voices many of the regular characters. In 2002, Fox dumped the show, but revived it in 2005 after it became a top-selling DVD.
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