Tourweaver 5.00 Professional Edition, Tourweaver 5.00 Professional Edition.
Tourweaver v5.00 Professional Edition Portable Latest Flash Virtual Tour Software from Easypano for creating Flash 360 virtual tour with 360 panoramas and still images. Virtual tours with interactive maps, Flash, video, popup windows, hotspots, radars, audios and links can offer the best virtual experience.
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3d Torrent Download. This professional virtual tour software can help you easily create panoramic virtual tours. Main features of Virtual Tour Software Tourweaver 5. Newtek Keygens And Serials. 00 Tourweaver is professional and powerful software that can create virtual tours with the following components: • Panoramas, still photos • Multiple Maps/floorplans • Hotspots in scenes to trigger various actions like linking to other scenes, and opening popup windows • More interactive hotspot hints: can be flash, image etc. • Radars in maps to indicate the location of the scene in the map/floorplan • Popup windows to show detailed images and information • Customized virtual tour template with buttons (various actions can be added), text area, thumbnail, movie controller and more. • Branded virtual tour loading window and Flash progress bar (Professional edition only) • Full screen display of SceneViewer and MapViewer and all other added components (Pro only) • Video can be added to main window, popup window, used to play video (Pro only) • Flash can be added to main window, popup window, scene and map, used to play SWF file.
• Multiple publish formats such as.exe Virtual tours created with Tourweaver 5.0 can be: • In either Html format which is based on Flash player or video format (video output is supported by Professional only) or.EXE format (Pro only). • Easily uploaded and embeded in your webpages. • Easily burned to CDs and sent to your clients • Easily applied in your presentation like PPT.
What kind of scenes does virtual tour software Tourweaver 5.00 accept? • Spherical panoramas • Cylindrical panoramas • One single fisheye image • Kaidan one shot • 0-360 one shot • Remote reality one shot • Still images • Cubic panorama Virtual Tour Software - Tourweaver 5.00 What's New Builder: 5.00.091225 Added features: [+] Multi-language interfaces are added, including French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian and Spanish. Bug fixed: [-] Position of Hotspot in published virtual tour changes 180 degree when it is added to cubic image. [-] When Show/Hide PopupWindow action is added to Toggle button, the action can not repeat. [-] EXE virtual tours can not be generated when 'popup filename prefix' is renamed in Publish Settings (EXE tour is selected).
[-] Under Unix system, virtual tour won't play when there is space in thumbnail names. Size: 67.6 MB. Legalitas pertamini Bisnis, harga pertamini, harga pertamini 2017, harga pom bensin mini, harga pom mini, ijin usaha pertamini, jasa, Jual Mesin Pertamini, Jual Pertamini, Jual Pertamini Digital, Jual Pom Bensin Mini, Jual SPBU Mini, Mesin Pertamini, peluang usaha, Pertamini, Pertamini Digital, Pertamini Digital 2017, pertamini digital lampung, pompa pertamini, syarat membuka pertamini, wirausaha spbu mini g lite silahkan hubungi BPK.EDI PERTAMINI, Tlp: WhatsApp: PIN BBM: / Alamat Pabrik Pertamini Digital Bandung.