♥ Book Title: My Life as a Quant ♣ Name Author: Emanuel Derman ∞ Launching: 2012-06-12 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 887 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: g9TzaCYfaI8C ☯ Full Synopsis: 'In My Life as a Quant, Emanuel Derman relives his exciting journey as one of the first high-energy particle physicists to migrate to Wall Street. Page by page, Derman details his adventures in this field—analyzing the incompatible personas of traders and quants, and discussing the dissimilar nature of knowledge in physics and finance. Throughout this tale, he also reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly-burly world of markets. 'Article Emanuel Derman Statement.'
Latest POSTED — June 14, 2017 Lecture on Models Behaving Badly POSTED — April 2, 2017 — — POSTED — February 28, 2016 — Economists: The only field more self-confidently but just as regularly wrong as economics is nutrition, whose recommendations to shun butter/margarine or red meat/carbohydrates regularly reverse themselves. Onna Kenshi Asuka Kenzan Isotope. POSTED — September 23, 2014 — 'The axiomatic basis of theoretical physics cannot be extracted from experience, but must be freely invented' POSTED — April 18, 2017 — One of the most useful things a person can know about himself is where he or she begins and where other people end.