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The Canadian experts speak: Dozois, Abnormal Psychology 5e with MySearchLab, now in full-psychedelic colour! Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives exemplifies its subtitle by cohesively presenting the numerous individual perspectives of its expert contributors. It presents the differing psychological perspectives by discussing various relevant paradigms with emphasis on the conceptual approaches and therapeutic interventions that have garnered the most empirical support in research literature. Guardians Of The Galaxy Soundtrack Deluxe Download Zip here. As a ground-up Canadian text, it features indigenous case studies, legal and ethical issues, prevention programs, and ground-breaking research, as well as the history of abnormal psychology in this country. The new edition features a new full-colour interior, coverage of the DSM-5 including a disorder-by-disorder comparison with the DSM-IV, three new Canadian contributors, and a new chapter on Sexual Gender Identity Disorder. The organization, level, and features of each chapter have also been standardized to resulting in a more consistent, unified student experience. Table of Contents.