This tutorial was really fun to make. It all started when Ramiro posted a link to over on the asking how to make the polygon effect starting around 15 seconds in. Well, that got me asking around the office how everyone would do it.
As we huddled around my computer, we got playing in Cinema 4D and trying different techniques. “Animate the Noise In The Displacer” Chris said. Jack added, “Try Adding An Atom Array”. Harley Davidson Transmission Serial Numbers. And within a few minutes, and after adding some quick sound design in After Effects, I had this animation and a tutorial idea for the blog. It’s little fun things like this that made Cinema 4D (And working in a real office) so fun for me. The ability to try out different ideas and get a fun result, fast. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the tutorial.
The Smiths The Queen Is Dead Zip Codes. In this Cinema 4D Tutorial. How To Make a Low Poly Background in Cinema 4D. - Adding the Polygon Reduction tool.
We sure had fun making it. Example Render.
Yes it is working. You just need to do exact oposite as Nick did in terms of key framing. The only problem that you may have is the exces geometry on the round letters O, C, R, etc. In rest everything is pretty straight forward.
An by the way throw some more deformers (FFD + some point level animation) or you can play with PolyFX and a lot of effectors for PolyFX. The possibilities are unlimited once you dig into it 🙂 P.S. If you use a polyFX put Cloth NURBS only with Thickness of whatever value you need and subdivisions on 0 🙂 Have fun 🙂.
I want to thank you Nick for helping me learn more about the field of motion graphics. Although I hope to specialize in graphic design someday, I can honestly say your tutorials have progressively helped me learn cinema 4D, and expand my skill sets! At the moment I’m currently a senior at Perpich Center for the arts in MN, and have been applying to many colleges to specialize in visual communication.
Edac Study Guides Pdf Download on this page. I tell you this because I think you should know that, because of your tutorial, the admissions panel at MIAD was “particularly impressed with my animated piece for it’s combination of video, animation, design and concept” helping me receive a scholarship that pays for my possible next 2 years at MIAD. So once again, thank you so much for your wisdom and teaching, its been such a blessing, and had definitely made an impact in my life, and rest assured many others! Keep up the amazing work! My animation can be found here.