Posts about prosperity package written by Kauilapele. Omega Trust Prosperity Program Trusts. Interactive program featuring conversations with newsmakers and experts in a variety.
Let the man rest in peace? Huawei Mobile Connect Model Ec321 Driver Download. This is a news story about a major criminal.
It’s not his obituary. He and his fellow conspirators stole millions from innocent people. Most of the money was never recovered - which probably means his co-conspirators now have the money. And, just because he died, we're supposed to 'go easy' on him? I don't think so. He destroyed many people’s lives.
I'd like the JGTC to do a series on the lives today of such folks as Arlene Diamond, Chris Engel, Dick Jones, Susan Hoehne, etc, etc. A story like that may act as a deterrent to future scam artists. Keep it Clean.
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Picture: NESARA announcements imminent. Bill Clinton.
NESARA is the covert National Economic Security and Reformation Act (March/October 2000). Notice that the S stands for Security; not for Stability.
(S for Stability is a Bait-and-Switch mirror fraud; so is GESARA. Schecter Serial Number Database on this page. More background ). NESARA is an American legal initiative with radical and benevolent global consequences.
The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds said to be involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust.
This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion.
It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it.
In addition to the illegal wire transfers, Angela Merkel was shielding Deutsche Bank from international criminal investigators and from Basel II banking supervision procedures; concealed at Deutsche Bank were American derivatives-related papers which incriminated major political figures and financial establishments in the US. Angela Merkel had also been receiving bribes arranged by President George Bush Snr for four years. Her job was to guard his personal European financial crime proceeds held in hidden accounts at Deutsche Bank. Nicolas Sarkozy knew this.
The Bush accounts at Deutsche Bank could not furnish legitimate source of funds documentation of the kind required by the Basel II international banking reforms. European Union member governments told Nicolas Sarkozy to ‘fix it, or we’ll depose you.’. On the evening of Monday 18th August 2008, senior personnel from The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), accompanied by armed guards, arrived in Washington DC. They were there to deal with the US Treasury Secretary,, who had threatened certain key Treasury personnel with arrest for Treason, under The Patriot Act, if they continued with their lawful intention to release the NESARA-related international prosperity fund trigger packs. Source (19.08.08).
On other pages of this blog ( and ) we have detailed how Henry Paulson was shot by an assassin on Friday 28th December 2007, and died in hospital on Wednesday 2nd January 2008. This followed an argument with the Chinese authorities, from whom Paulson had stolen a sum of $4.5 trillion conveyed through The People's Bank of China in May 2006.
Since January 2008, the Bush White House has contrived to pretend that the US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, is still alive. A combination of library video footage, computer-generated imagery, holographic projection techniques, Paulson clones, and an articulate financial lookalike called Edward Lazear have been used to sustain the fiction that Henry Paulson is a continuing member of the US government. At the US Treasury, 'Paulson' is now known as 'The Double'. More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found,,,,,,,,, and. It should be noted that (Democrat - Illinois) and (Republican - Arizona) are both clones. Each has given binding private assurances to his controllers that he will never allow the NESARA reforms to be implemented or the related global prosperity funds to be released.
More about the history of the Khazarian corporate controllers behind American politics can be found or., the world's oldest international financial organisation, is based in Basel, Switzerland. At present, the BIS is fighting US government financial corruption on three main fronts. Fps Creator Model Packs And Sprite Packs For Pywright. First, as mentioned above, the BIS is engaged in incremental efforts to overcome Bush White House wrecking tactics with regard to the release of the NESARA-related global prosperity funds. Second, the Bank for International Settlements is insisting that the US complies in every detail with the. The Bush White House is encouraging major US banks to resist these reforms in order to crash the American economy and bring down world stock markets. This planned chaos would then be followed by the imposition of martial law in the USA.