About Kingdom of the Wither Skull Map Kingdom of the Wither Skull map based off of Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Whip Swings, Invisible mazes, and Parkour. Find emeralds, search through web mazes, and even more dangerous challenges. Your mission is to find and return the stolen Ancient Wither Skull. On the way you may find emeralds which you can keep to yourself. Whip Swing your way through mazes, parkour, and traps while finding yourself precious gems.
Minecraft - My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Mod & Map Adventure!
This map can be multiplayer, but you might have some issues with the whip swings. If you are playing on a server remember: Command Blocks: True. Kingdom of the Wither Skull Map Trailer.
Hey everyone/pony! I have been working on a MLP Minecraft Risk map. The map is that of five nations of the MLP world, Chrysalis's Hive, Zebra Federation(unofficially Zebra Tribes), Griffon Kingdom, Crystal Empire, and Kingdom of Equestria. The map is divied up into three levels, the underground tunnels, the normal surface, and the clouds in the sky. There are four color coded teams for the map.
Green for the changelings, Gray for the griffons, Yellow for the zebras, and two shades of blue for the ponies, Light Blue for the crystal ponies and normal Blue for the ponies of Equestria. Evolution The Remarkable History Of A Scientific Theory Pdf Editor. There are going to be four classes that people will be able to play as for each team, Ranged, Tank, Winged, and Underground.
There are some teams that will only have one or more classes playable. Ost2pst Serial Keygen Ws more. The Equestrian ponies and changelings will be able to play as all four classes, the griffons can play as all of the classes but Underground, the zebras can play as Tank and Ranged only, and the Crystal ponies can only play as Tank.
Each class will have items unique for that class. Also the map will be for Minecraft 1.9 and after because of the elytra wings.
I am still in the middle of making everything in the map, working on the last three provinces and last cloud of Equestria. Then I will work on the Starting place for choosing which team you will be on that the class you are going to play as.
When I am done making everything I will need someone that is good with making redstone creations and making them work. Let me know what everyone thinks and I will let you know when everything is done. This sounds interesting and pretty cool. Vivo Per Lei Testo Ft Giorgia. I have never played Minecraft before but this does sound cool. Not to sound picking, but it needs more dragons.
Also to avoid confusion I would not have the Crystal Ponies and the regular ponies be of similar colors. As I stated I have never played Minecraft so I don't know how distinct the color difference between light blue and regular blue. Maybe white for the crystal ponies and keep regular ponies blue.
If you do include dragon they can be red and have all the classes but underground, similar to griffins. So far it sounds cool.