Yamaha DX7 Soundbanks. Each soundbank contains 32 all-new Pro Patches. These soundbanks are available in Sysex (.SYX) file and Standard Midifile.
C O M M E R C I A L S O U N D B A N K S Here is a repertory including actual and discontinued commercial soundbanks that I collected since over 30 years from ROM cartridges, floppy disks or books. For each of them you'll find comments about company or sounddesigner and a detailed patchlist. Several of them also include image(s) from the original support. This collection is not complete, if you have material that is not listed here, I would be largely interested in! This page is organized in three sections: ROM CARTRIDGES, EXTENSIONS & FLOPPY DISKS COLLECTION Companies/distributers (alphabetical order).
SOUND SOURCE UNLIMITED SSU is an american society (Los Angeles) which developed complete sounds/samples libraries for a large collection of diverse synthesizers/samplers models. Kiss You One Direction Mp4 Video Free Download on this page. Their products were distributed by Greytsounds™ (owner: Bob Grey) via their website since the mid 90's. Sound Source Unlimited (SSU) was then renamed 'Sound Source Interactive' (SSI). Rocket League Steamworks Fix Updates. Now, this website is offline since 2016. They seem to sell their products via their eBay store only. There were at least a total of 5 double ROM cartridges (banks A/B) for the DX7 mkI, most of them programmed by Manny Fernandez.
I only succeeded in collecting volumes 3, 4 & 5 through the years. I also know that SSU distributed a mega ROM cartridge including 8 soundbanks (certainly volumes 1-4). Any informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of the missing soundbanks would be largely appreciated!
0703R A: 'Soundtrack' - B: 'L/A Voices II' 0704R 'Super L/A Voices' (2 soundbanks) 0705R 'Stage & Studio' (2 soundbanks) PA-DECODER PA-Decoder is a german company (Bielefeld) which produced 2 different DX7 mega ROM cartridges: - 'MONST-ROM' (16x32 - 512 patches). This cartridge was organized as a 4x4 categorized banks (A1-D4) that you could select with switches combinations. - 'HYPRA-ROM' (32x32 - 1'024 patches/very rare!). This cartridge was organized as a 8x4 banks (alpha/beta A1-D4) that you could select with switches combinations.
It gathered all patches from MONST-ROM plus 16 new additional soundbanks. MONST-ROM (16 soundbanks). BO TOMLYN Bo Tomlyn is an american musician who worked with famous artists during the 80's-90's (Prince, Lionel Richie, Pat Benatar, Bruce Springsteen, Cher, Chicago.) as keyboardist or synth programmer. After the successful introduction of the DX series, Bo Tomlyn - along with Mike Malizola (Yamaha product manager) and Chuck Monte (owner of Dyno-My-Piano) - founded company (Studio City, California ) which distributed the nine DX7 soundbanks listed above (almost all of them programmed by Bo). It seems that company finally sold these cartridges under Key Clique license. I also read in a mid 80's commercial publication that Bo Tomlyn programmed the following soundbanks: 'Orchestral', 'Studio', 'Stereo', 'Hard Rock', 'Electro Techno', 'New Wave', 'Latin', 'India', 'Easy Listening', 'Church' and 'Country Western'. I never heard from it since and don't know if they were distributed by Key Clique, Symphony or another company.