Online Program Management. Project Management for Construction. Architects, and Builders. Chris Hendrickson, Carnegie Mellon University ©1989. Construction Engineering Management. Chris Hendrickson and Tung Au, Project Management for Construction. Construction Project Management.
Fisher-Price Time To Play Pet Shop - PC. Unit Method The unit method involves the use of a single functional unit that serves as a multiplier. Historical data from previous, similar construction projects is used to build a cost model of construction costs for one new unit. This unit is then multiplied by the number of units necessary to complete the project, which provides an overall cost estimate.
A functional unit may be bedroom in a hotel, the cost per student for a school or cost per bed for hospitals. Some project cost models may use a cost per square foot, based on historical costs for other projects. The estimated costs to build 1 square foot are multiplied by the planned square footage for all floors in the building. This method does not deduct costs for elevators, stairwells and internal walls, which creates some inaccuracy. Issues with Cost Planning The cost planning method is used mostly for public projects.
For both public and private projects, the method is useful only in the early stages of defining the construction project. It works best when used as a rough estimate before much design work has been completed. The unit method produces a rough estimate. The method makes it difficult to allow additional costs for factors such as the size and shape of a building and differences in materials and finishes used on a particular project. Other Cost Estimate Factors Many other factors affect an estimate's accuracy.
Errors happen during the estimating procedure, such as use of inaccurate pricing, availability of price information and appropriate pricing methods. Design changes and incomplete data, such as erroneously omitted items or incorrect dimensions, also affect the output.
Poor judgment on the part of the estimator, such as overlooking certain cost items or not planning for waste parts, are part of the human error that affects accuracy. Uncertainties due to weather, delays in construction, policies on supervision, different construction methods, economic and political issues, changing construction technology, availability of equipment and materials and differences in labor productivity are some of the external influences that may affect the accuracy of cost estimates.
Civil Engineering Ebooks Download free Civil Engineering eBooks Click on book name for download Available in PDF Project Management for Construction by Chris Hendrickson, Tung Au Publisher: Prentice Hall 1989 for read this ebook online Description of this Ebook This book develops a specific viewpoint in discussing the participants, the processes and the techniques of project management for construction. This viewpoint is that of owners who desire completion of projects in a timely, cost effective fashion.