By Mal VK2YVA Introduction Many would be familiar with the traditional folded dipole made from tubing or wire, and possibly the lightweight version made from 300 ohm ribbon cable. The above versions need some sort of matching to enable use at 50 ohms. Awkward you say?
I would agree! What if I told you can make a 50 ohm version directly from RG-58 or RG-8 / RG-213 cable? Here is an application I found at This is the webpage of Al Legary, VE3SQB. There are some other great antenna projects as well. Al has given permission for free distribution of his coax dipole application. You may want to check his commercially made “Wave” antenna at Go to and look for the icon labelled 'Coaxial Dipole', and download to a suitable sub-directory on your PC. It’s ready to run.
Coaxial Folded Dipole Antenna. By Mal VK2YVA. The software. Call Of Duty 2 Mss32 Dll File Download. The program I used. ABC Emergency Updates; Technical. Frequencies; Repeaters; Projects. All equipment for FM radio and TV stations - Schematics, KITs, FM transmitters, guides, stereo encoders, PC based FM transmitters, DIY projects, forums, one of the. Real stories made by real people from all around Australia. All across Australia, people are creating great videos, photos and written stories to share on the ABC.
All the basic construction details are included, and you can design an antenna for any frequency. As stated in the application, the design is reasonably wideband (a trick here, make the element from RG-8 / 213 for wider bandwidth). I’ve taken the project a few steps further, and mounted the elements in electrical conduit. So far I have made the following versions: • 80 MHz - This is for a WICEN commercial allocation. • 2 Metres - This one covers 144 – 157 MHz and as well as 2 m can be used for Marine VHF (WICEN has a licence for a Limited Coast Station). • VHF Highband (156 – 165 MHz) - This one covers VHF Marine and a WICEN commercial allocation. • UHF - This covers 400 – 470 MHz at 2:1 VSWR at the band edges.
At 435 MHz, VSWR is under 1.15:1 The software The program I used is called Coaxdipole.exe © Al Legary VE3SQB When you run the program, you will see the main view as shown below: Input a frequency (choose a centre frequency for your desired band), and the type of coax you will be using. This determines the velocity factor for the calculation. Then select “meter/cm” or “feet/inches” as you desire. This will give you the dimensions for your driven element. Construction From the main view you can select “view end detail” and “view center detail”.
End Detail Centre Detail Make the wire ends about 10 mm longer than calculated, and tune the antenna by cutting a couple of mm at a time. Use a VSWR meter to check the desired band edges and centre frequency as you tune. You will need to hold the antenna well above ground when checking VSWR.